We have partnered with the New Castle County Government to launch the Vial of L.I.F.E. program.
The Vial of L.I.F.E program is a medical information form that the owner completes, then places in the provided medication bottle that is labeled “Vial of L.I.F.E” and placed in your refrigerator. The form includes your medical history, daily medications, demographics, doctor, hospital preference and an emergency contact. The medication bottle is kept in your refrigerator in direct view. The kit also comes with a Vial of L.I.F.E magnet to place on the refrigerator that signifies your participation program. Vials can be picked up at any of New Castle County libraries, the New Castle County Public Safety building, or can be requested by calling 302.395.8184 or emailing vialoflife@newcastlede.gov.
“We encourage everyone who is eligible to participate in this free, and potentially life saving program,” said County Executive Matt Meyer. “Thank you to the New Castle County EMS team for spearheading this program and thank you to our program partner Ivira Health for providing the vials for our neighbors.”
Find out more about the program on the New Castle County Website.